Media Statement by Paul Collins



I am pleased to advise that last month I attended the WACA’s first board meeting for 2024.

On Thursday, 25 January 2024, a letter was sent to all directors informing them of my legal grounds of review and the reasons why the purported suspension issued on 4 January 2024 was invalid.

At 9.31pm and 9.56pm that same night I received a reply from WACA’s solicitors, a notice of meeting inviting me to attend the 30 January board meeting and a copy of the board

On 31 January 2024 I received a request from the WACA’s solicitors to see if there is any prospect that the dispute can be resolved on mutually agreeable terms. I accepted that request as I have no interest in incurring the WACA unnecessary legal expenses because of the actions of a few, and because I believe the Board now accepts the suspension was invalid. I will be calling for a timely corrective statement to be issued to Members inclusive of an apology to me.

However, if this matter cannot be resolved then I am entitled to protect my legal rights and interests and seek appropriate remedies from a Court.

I am grateful for all persons who have rallied behind me in righting this injustice.